Creating biomaterials tools to discover the role of matrix mechanical properties in regulating cell activity and fate


主 讲 人 :谷洛

时 间 :2023-08-04 09:30

地 点 :启秀校区7号楼会议室

承办 部门 :神经再生重点实验室(与神经科学系、神经再生协同创新中心合署)


主讲人简介:Luo Gu is an professor in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at the Johns Hopkins University. His research focuses on understanding and engineering how cells sense and respond to the mechanical and biochemical cues from their microenvironment. In particular, his lab studies stem cell mechanotransduction for tissue regeneration, biomaterials-enabled immunotherapy for cancer and infectious diseases, and the delivery of genome editing tools. Dr. Gu received his BS in Chemistry from Peking University and his PhD in Chemistry with Specialization in Multiscale Biology from University of California, San Diego. He joined Johns Hopkins in 2017 after completing his postdoctoral training at Harvard University.